
Grow your sales with UltraLeanSales® -sparring! 

Get the basics of B2B sales right with the help of the UltraLeanSales sparring program. Develop your skills and learn to better understand the purchasing behavior, processes and criteria of your target groups.


Choose the level that best suits your company and ask for more information!

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Justify the added value you produce for the customer,with real numbers – believably! And do more business!

Imagine a situation where your competitors can clearly justify the added value they produce to their customers, with numbers.

Your company however, bases its estimates on assumptions. Or maybe your company is unable to justify your added value by any credible means.

Which one do you think has a higher probability of winning the business?

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Tehosta Liiketoimintaasi Business Simulaattorilla -webinaarit

Näe kuinka muut yrittäjät ovat tehostaneet liiketoimintaansa Business Simulaattoreiden avulla!

Opit perustelemaan tuotteesi tai palvelusi tuottaman lisäarvon luotettavasti, jolloin asiakkaasi ostopäätöksen teosta tulee perusteltua, ja helpompaa.

Opit simuloimaan (What If-skenaariot) yrityksesi tärkeimpiä tunnuslukuja tunnistaaksesi tehottomuuksia, jotta voit valistuneesti aloittaa tarvittavien parannusten tekemisen.

Katso tulevat webinaarit


Hit home run with UltraLeanCRM®!

Customized for sole proprietors and optimized for winning bids through continuous learning, UltraLeanCRM® focuses only on increasing sales! All features that do not contribute to the creation of a sale have been eliminated.

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The UltraLeanSales planner application offers a game-changing insight into the buying processes of B2B customers and harnesses Collective intelligence to support sales work.

Free application



With the help of the UltraLeanSales dashboard, you can analyze the reasons why you won or lost deals and what are the root causes behind them. When you accurately understand the most relevant criteria for your customer's decision-making, and emphasize them in your offers, your win rate will start improving.

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Become Certified UltraLeanSales® Business Consultant

and earn €100,000/year!

Apply now to become an UltraLeanSales® consultant and help your customers increase sales with data!

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